"Family" Young barn swallows - Point Reyes, CA

"Sunrise Flight at Bosque"
A juvenile and adult sandhill crane taking flight in the morning light at Bosque Del Apache, NM

"Dowitcher" Salton Sea, CA

"Broad-billed Hummingbird" Madera Canyon, AZ

"Splish Splash" Caspian Tern - Oceanside, CA

"Blast Off"
Snow Geese taking off from pond with sandhill cranes in foreground. Bosque Del Apache, NM

"Solo Flight"
Single sandhill crane in flight. Bosque Del Apache, NM

"Lunar Flight"
Sandhill crane flying in front of an almost full moon. Bosque Del Apache, NM

San Diego , CA

"Birds Eye View"

"Anna's Hummingbird"